by Justin

November 14, 2018

Having an album debut on a Billboard chart or iTunes top 100. Is a great accomplishment for any musician.

Charting isn’t just for bragging rights. It’s going to help you sell a lot more music as well.

If you’re album debuts on iTunes top 100, you can be sure that you’re going to see a lot of sales just from that.

So how do you get your album to debut on Billboard and iTunes charts?

Well, the key is to sell a lot of copies of your album during the first week of it’s release.

The video below explains how to do just that.


About the author 


Currently residing in Los Angeles, CA, Justin Smith is a marketer and entrepreneur that has been helping independent artists promote their music online since 2008. He has a Bachelor of Science in Recording Industry Management from MTSU and an MBA with a concentration in Marketing from The University of Tennessee. As the founder of JamMob, he has continued to dedicate himself to helping independent artists pursue careers in the music industry.

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